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Angie Bowen

Skyline Photography At Its Best

Architecture tends to be an abundant source of inspiration, with so many classic and modern styles blending throughout cities all over the world. One such iconic source that many ...

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Luke Reimer

The Open Source Movement

The open source movement or philosophy is something that I am truly passionate about, and something that can have beneficial effects for all industries related to technology and its ...

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Noupe Editorial Team

Resources for Styling Lists

In our continuing quest to listen to our readers and give them what they are looking for, we have a post of resources that we were asked to compile. With the amount of content being ...

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Business Online
Angie Bowen

A Roundup of Valuable Twitter Tools

It is hard to argue against the value of Twitter these days, especially for businesses and professionals looking to network and stay ahead of the curve. Like the throngs of ...