Start Here: 6 Large Collections for Founders, Designers, Marketers, and Other Web Workers

Google is not always the best tool when looking for specific information. If you just went freelance, there's a whole stack of collections that accumulate a lot of the things you need in one place. You'll be set with three or four of these collections. Today, I'll show you a few more.
Startup Collections is a website that curates tools, and other resources, for founders, designers, developers, and marketers. Differentiating about this service is the task-orientated approach. The categories are not called "photos," "videos," and so on, but rather "Create a Prototype," "Smart Management," or "Be Productive," for example. The presented services are not necessarily available for free.
The operator focuses a lot on completeness, but of course, he was not able to achieve that yet. Well, to be fair, the service is very young.
Marketing Stack is a curated index that fully focuses on marketing. Here, you'll find everything that has the slightest ability to push your business or brand forward. You have to think broadly here. For instance, you'll find tons of content such as eBooks, and other publications, but also writing tools (think about content marketing), and more. Digging through the Marketing Stack is a feature-length event, but only if you don't click anything. If you do, it'll take a lot longer.
As to be expected due to the name, Startup Stash aims at founders that could use some help in all aspects of their startup business. Hundreds of products from 40 categories are waiting to be found by those in need ;-). Once again, you won't find free services only, but also solid commercial offers, like consulting and hosting businesses.
According to the operator, Startup Stash has already supported more than 400,000 founders on their way. Like all the collections in this article, Startup Stash itself is free to use.
Makerbook by Craig Barber is all about the creative branch, hence the name. Craig tries to accumulate all services that offer tools and resources for creative workers on Makerbook. He only includes providers that offer their services entirely for free.
On Makerbook, he also runs an additional curated photo collection with free, and completely free to use images, that are especially helpful for founders, called Makerstock. The photos are handpicked, and, according to Craig, taken from over thirty different photo providers.
Freebie Supply by Ali Mese from Singapore became one of these overnight successes. Originally, he simply put his favorite tools and resources into a default Squarespace template and made it available as a website. The extensive curation quickly spread among the web. The success surprised the maker.
Freebie Supply focuses on completely free offers as well, and, by now, it contains over 400 according links. Freebie Supply is not limited to elements for creative workers but also provides links on business topics or productivity. Of course, you'll also find design resources.
The "stash concept" attracts increasing attention. Newsletter Stash is a service that collects the best newsletters on different topics, like design, management, and so forth, while also providing the respective subscribe-buttons. You also get to view an example for each listed newsletter, as well as access to the respective entire archive.
Featured image by PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay
Startup Collections

Marketing Stack

Startup Stash


Freebie Supply

Newsletter Stash

Thanks for the resources!
Informative post. thanks for sharing
I have know about a few of them especially Newsletter stach