The Ugliest Fonts Are Used in the East of the USA

I'll just say Comic Sans. If you have positive memories related to this font, please send me an email. You can imagine that I don't expect a lot of mail on that.
Of course, Comic Sans is only the fontificated ugliness by word usage, but it surely is not the only ugly font that the world makes its inhabitants put up with. The infographic platformers of Venngage took a look at font usage on their service, and investigated the relation of font and geographic location of the user.
According to that, the ugliest fonts are mainly used in the East of the United States. At least, that's my evaluation after viewing the infographic provided by Venngage. The worst of the world's fonts are also commonly used in Seattle, in the far West. This is no surprise, though, as this is where Comic Sans was created.
One can only assume, but not prove, that there's a connection between the election of Trump and the incredibly bad font taste of a majority of the US' East Coast. Washington is well represented in the found problem areas, though. At least, Comic Sans would be fitting for most of the decrees of the White House's orange ruler. This way, the documents would visually confirm the disastrous impression that their contents are conveying reliably.
However, Trump alone can't be the reason why Comic Sans rears its ugly head again. If you want to know more, you should read the very detailed article by Venngage.
Featured image by hafteh7 on Pixabay
What the hell is it with you people? If I want to read leftist drivel there are plenty of politically oriented sites I can read. But no, you have to inject politics into everything.
Trump won because of people like you. Not that you’re capable of grasping that fact. That she lost to The Donald must really get your panties in a bunch.
Don’t worry, I won’t be back. I’ll be deleting Noupe from Feedly right after I post this.
If making a small, snide remark is leftist drivel (way to go with the hyperbole by the way) that drives you to huff and puff in outrage to the point of unsubbing from Noupe on Feedly, then quite frankly you needn’t bother stepping outdoors lest something else offend you.
Couldn’t have said it any better.
Well, to make the writer of this article feel better, this is the first article I read on this website and will now be subscribing :)
But seriously, repubs injected Obama into everything for 8 years. Constant whining. “wah wah wah”. Now You can’t handle it when it’s the other way around. Wah wah wah!
Thanks, Kat. Welcome to Noupe!
Wow. I was going to post a comment saying that I just don’t understand the vitriol about Comic Sans. I don’t have a preference for it, but I don’t HATE it either. It’s just a font, for God’s sake, I don’t see the need to make gagging noises and spray spit everywhere while expressing an opinion about it.
But then I read Steve’s comment above, and see that it’s possible to be even more absurd in expressing a difference of opinion. If you like reading Noupe, Steve, then read it. You don’t have to give power to the people who think differently from you by giving up something you like just to spite them. Especially since they won’t notice that you’re gone anyway. Or delete it, whatever. It only affects you.
Everybody just get over yourself, accept that some people see things differently from you, and engage in reasonable discourse. Life will be so much more pleasant for us all.
Hating Comic Sans is a question of honor ;-)
ha ha ha, I have a first time ever seen a person complaining about writings of other. Do you know that if you won’t back to this blog there are a lot of people waiting to subscribe this blog to gain knowledge? There is a simple way to get rid of that if you don’t like this post don’t comment on it.
I don’t worry easily.
If making a small, snide remark is leftist drivel (way to go with the hyperbole by the way) that drives you to huff and puff in outrage to the point of unsubbing from Noupe on Feedly, then quite frankly you needn’t bother stepping outdoors lest something else offend you,and its really great blog.Thanks for sharing this!
Hi Dieter,
Your image above make me smile in my heart.