Dieter Petereit February 21st, 2014

DesignerCandies: Brand-new Service Offers Free Design Resources in the Public Domain

DesignerCandies is a five weeks old side-project maintained by designer Adam McIntyre. At the time of this writing, DesignerCandies hosts 25 freebies, suitable for both web and print design. Given the current pace, the collection grows by five freebies weekly. To date the focus lies on 3D renders, yet textures and brushes can also be found. The most interesting point: all the resources are released into the Public Domain, which means they are explicitly uncopyrighted and thus, free for each and every thinkable use case.

Adam McIntyre comes over supermodest. His other projects allow him to live the life he wants to live, he says. Thus, he needs not make money out of DesignerCandies and is able to maintain it as a fun project to give back to the community. John Q. Designer should be happy, as Adam is not only giving resources for somewhat free, but for completely free, as he releases them into the Public Domain. There are no restrictions whatsoever to what you can do.

Neither need you actually shell out dough, nor need you add backlinks or attribute in any other way or form. You are allowed to edit the files, change them, even offer them for download from one of your sites. Needless to say, that commercial use is allowed, too. Now that are freebies as we all like them. No risks, no restrictions, nothing to stick to. Nothing to stumble and fall into the arms of the next best greedy lawyer.

McIntyre concentrates on releasing 3D renderings, with plants being the most recent addition. Even rather unusual resources, such as fighter jets or bullets made their way into the portfolio. This definitely isn’t for everybody, still, more conventional tastes are satisfied with collections of hearts, arrows or traffic lights. Regardless of the choice of topics, Adam always keeps his promise of professional quality.

Besides all the 3D resources, you’ll also find textures, patterns and brushes. Even a first business card template, astonishingly for DJs, has been added. So, probably there are other industries to follow in the future. If you got a DJ client, rejoice!

DesignerCandies is moderately well-known ;-) With around 7,500 downloads, there is still a lot of growth potential. Dear Noupe readers, how about making this download counter smolder? Head on over and do what needs to be done.

By the way: If you like or dislike any given download over at DesignerCandies, let Adam know in the comment section to each post. Without feedback, Adam isn’t able to adjust his offerings. Here’s what he himself has to say:

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Dieter Petereit

Dieter Petereit is a veteran of the web with over 25 years of experience in the world of IT. As soon as Netscape became available he started to do what already at that time was called web design and has carried on ever since. Two decades ago he started writing for several online publications, some well, some lesser known. You can meet him over on Google+.


  1. I chuckled at the word “uncopyrighted” in your post. No creation of words or an image is or ever can be UNcopyrighted. All works are copyrighted at the moment of creation. The author has the power, however, to license the work without limits and without charge.

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