Free Commercial-Use Photos, Music, Videos, and Graphics

Is there a state called enough when it comes to free resources? I don't think so. The fresh service is additonally special, as it doesn't only offer photos and graphics, but even music and videos for free use.
[caption id="attachment_77976" align="alignnone" width="640"] the Rather Plain, but Appropriate Landing Page. (Screenshot: Noupe)[/caption]
Preview on a Thematic Image Download. (Screenshot: Noupe)[/caption]
Kokovs vision for is running a content marketing hub, on which companies can both provide and freely access content. At the moment, he's excluding advertisements. He does not want to sell premium services.
For us users, this means that is completely free, and it is supposed to stay like this. The provided material can be used for free for any legal purpose, in private, commercial, and customer projects.
I was not able to make out how Kokov wants to earn money with this, yet. After all, he considers to be his startup. Well, let's just wait and see. A Lone Wolf From the Ural Has High Ambitions was brought into my filter bubble via Product Hunt. The page has gone online not too long ago. It is being run by the lone fighter Alexey Kokov from Yekaterinburg in the Russian Ural. Kokov's goal is to offer all types of digital media that someone could ever need for commercial purposes for free via This goes so far, that he actively asks his visitors to order certain content. He'll take care of it and deliver just these materials on This sounds altruistic, and it probably is, at least for now. According to his own statement, Kokov prefers working on during the night and on the weekends, as his main job and family already take up a majority of his time. [caption id="attachment_77975" align="alignnone" width="640"]
Ioanni – Thank you for sharing this unique new *free* resource. As you suggested, I promptly bookmarked it. I enjoyed browsing the site. I could see it as a great source of inspiration when planning a design project – or when hitting a sticking point.
If I download any music from, will it usable for youtube video? Will it allow for monetize?
I like the free services of It’s so nice to use video and music for free. Its great. Thanks.