Noupe Editorial Team January 2nd, 2018

Undraw: Modern and Free SVG Illustrations

Illustrations on websites are turning into a real trend. The recently started project Undraw provides them for free.

SVG and PNG and Modern Illustrations for Free

The Greek illustrator Katerina Limpitsouni wants to make sure you get free access to modern vector drawings for your web projects with her new project Undraw. All illustrations on Undraw were made by her, and are distributed under the liberal MIT license for free. You can use them for both private and commercial purposes. [caption id="attachment_103656" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Undraw: Grid View. (Screenshot: Noupe)[/caption] At the moment, you'll only find a few dozens of hand-drawn images on the site. However, Katerina promises to provide us with additions on a regular basis. Regarding style, Katerina's illustrations are an excellent choice for all projects that focus on a reduced look. Responsive flat designs are an ideal application case. As all illustrations are available in the SVG format, you can adjust them to your liking, alter, or expand them. You don't even need an SVG editor to customize the accent color. On Undraw, you find a color picker that lets you do the same thing on the fly, right on the site. [caption id="attachment_103658" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Color Adjustments Without Interfering With the SVG. (Screenshot: Noupe)[/caption] Once you've selected the right color, which can also be done via Hex code, click on the desired illustration in the preview grid. This opens a modal window where you download the graphic as an SVG or PNG. If you want to use an image to illustrate a post or a social media activity, I recommend the PNG format. [caption id="attachment_103657" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Individual View With Download Options. (Screenshot: Noupe)[/caption] Katerina hands out all PNGs with a minimum width of 1,000 pixels. This should be sufficient for most cases. If it's not enough for you, you have to export the desired size from the SVG. This makes Undraw worth recommending for your designer toolbox.

Undraw is Not All

Together with her partner Aggelos Gesoulis, Katerina Limpitsouni also runs the two services ShareBoost, and PageRocket. ShareBoost is a coming-soon generator and host, which allows you to breathe new life into your fallow domains. This way, you can at least collect a few email addresses, and make your way to the Google index. PageRocket is a website builder, a classic homepage kit that can help you create a responsive website. You should take a look at the product portfolio out of the Greek Thessaloniki. These developers definitely know their skills.

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