
Business Online

How to reopen your business safely

No one really knows how long this pandemic will stick around or what the “new normal” will look like after this is all over. This is particularly challenging for businesses, as they’re ...

Business Online

How to Convert PDF Files to Other Formats?

Working with a PDF document can be significantly easier and more convenient that working with an original document created in a program such as Microsoft Word. If you’re working in the ...

Business Online

What Is Salesforce?

You’ve probably heard about Salesforce while researching customer relationship management (CRM) solutions for your business. Your employees may have even used it at a previous job, and ...

Business Online

Guide to Workflow Automation

When you’re analyzing workflows, at some point you’ll find places where you can significantly speed up the process if you remove the human element. Workflow automation is one way to do ...

What Is Workflow
Business Online

What Is Workflow

The simplest definition of workflow is how you get your work done. It’s the series of tasks you do to meet a repeatable business goal, like onboarding a new employee. The “repeatable” ...

email marketing
Business Online
Darin Moriki

Email Marketing

Remember when your mailbox was inundated with postcards, mail order catalogs, and flyers advertising sales? Not too long ago, snail mail was the best way to reach prospective customers ...