Tool Tip: The Really Good Email Design Checklist

Email design is not an easy task. Especially the many, oftentimes undercooked, rendering engines are what makes it so difficult. On top of that, there's also the problem that, in terms of content, emails need to get to the point as fast as possible. Thus, this challenge is not a purely design-related one, but a marketing challenge as well. The following infographic provides - what I believe is - a complete overview of everything you should keep in mind.Marketing is a domain that too many people believe they had knowledge on. In that regard, it can definitely be compared to design. Anyone can do that too. Now, if these two misconceptions unite in the one person that is supposed to create an email for your business, you are in a pretty bad spot. So, don't be too surprised if the number of people unsubscribing from the newsletter is rather high, while the number of people turning into customers is very low.
But you can't just ram the required knowledge into someone. If you want to stay away from commissioning an expert, or if you are not an expert in both categories yourself, at least follow the email design checklist by CampaignMonitor, which you will find at the bottom of this article.
Roughly summarized, of course, today's email is responsive and minimalistic. This allows mobile clients to comfortably read them, and mobile clients are already dominating emails. 53 percent of all of today's emails are first opened on a mobile device.
As clear and smooth as the design, is how you should design the texts. Prose is undesirable. Get to the point. People don't have time anymore. At the end, there's always a clear call to action, to prevent readers from being left indifferently, asking themselves what your email wants them to do.
If possible, personalize the emails. Here, you should not only focus on the individual reader that you will address with the proper name. Instead, you should differentiate the content for different groups of readers, like the ones that have never bought something from you, the ones that have bought something once, and those that have already bought something several times. Of course, other differentiations using dynamic content are possible as well. You know your readers better than I do.
For the creation of your strongly selling email, I have already recommended the tool a few days ago.
Source: The Really Good Email Design Checklist by Campaign Monitor