Business Online
Cameron Chapman

A DIY Web Design Education

A lot of designers and aspiring designers take formal design courses (or get design degrees), while many others wish they could take the time to get some formal design education. But ...

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Vitaly Friedman

27 Useful Adobe AIR Applications

Adobe AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) is a free runtime environment that can be used by the developers to develop highly interactive internet and media applications for multiple ...

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Business Online
Vitaly Friedman

Knuckle Down and Back Up

By Melissa Scroggins Have you put off backing up your work? Too complicated, right? Like many, backing up your work becomes a chore that is put off and put off and finally, put out of ...

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Vitaly Friedman

jQuery HTML Table Toolbox

In the 15 years since the HTML table element was first incorporated into HTML 2.0, it has been on a constant roller coaster ride. Upon its introduction it was a revelation, it was a ...