Exclusive: 7+ SEO Tips for Designers
Before starting your descent into the depths of the SEO business, you should know that your design itself has a massive impact on the search engine viability. You’ll always fall ...
Before starting your descent into the depths of the SEO business, you should know that your design itself has a massive impact on the search engine viability. You’ll always fall ...
Never underestimate psychology. After all, it explains pretty much all our actions.Take the following principles of design psychology to your heart.
Everyone is talking about content marketing. Many of us even create content “en masse.” Some hire so-called influencers for that. Way too often, the effect fades away ...
Designing an email newsletter is a task that has to be approached with multiple aspects in mind. Aesthetics are one, while marketing goals are another. We’ll show you how to cover ...
The media inflation is in full effect, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Each of our posts on social media needs images, as we don’t want to risk drowning in the ...
Nobody reads an email newsletter. Just like nobody watches American Idol and I’m a Celebrity. Nonetheless, all three formats are still very much alive. This article is only about ...
The young web app Ludus brings back the fun to presentation design, and the fun of consuming it. Not only designers should definitely take a closer look at the tool.
The free app Landscape lets you prepare images for social media in a way that meets the respective requirements. This saves time and nerves.
Getting your visitors to engage with a form is not an easy undertaking. Yet, forms are vital for your business. Consider using JotForm Cards. Let’s go ahead and take a look at this ...
The manipulated elections in the USA, a US president on the verge of insanity, terror all over the world – and social media is a part of all this. As a consequence, popular ...
It seems like these days everybody wants to make money online. If not affiliate marketing, blogging or writing reviews, there’s always e-commerce. With so many tools around, setting up ...
Merely providing valuable information to your website visitors is not enough these days. You’ll also want them to engage actively. To achieve this, you’ll have to provide ...
When it comes to the presentation of static drafts, a product such as Powerpoint is a valid choice. Presentator realizes this concept as a web app, for free.
The dreaded topic of duplicate content is surrounded by lots of legends, assumptions, and theories. Now, there’s a clarification from Google.
EmailMonks, one of the largest email template production companies, presents you “The Best Email Design Hunt 2017”, an international contest to acknowledge the hard work and ...
You might know Flattr already. You probably don’t know the new Flattr 2.0. It’s completely different.