Tool Tip: The Really Good Email Design Checklist
Email design is not an easy task. Especially the many, oftentimes undercooked, rendering engines are what makes it so difficult. On top of that, there’s also the problem that, in ...
Email design is not an easy task. Especially the many, oftentimes undercooked, rendering engines are what makes it so difficult. On top of that, there’s also the problem that, in ...
The free web app makes newsletter design as simple as writing a letter in Word.
It’s a question asked by virtually every web design client ever: “When will we be among the top spots in the search results?” Serious web designers will give a ...
Search engine optimization (SEO) is not rocket science, and anyone can do it with a rather small effort. You just shouldn’t believe the gurus and focus on a few aspects that make ...
It’s a common prejudice. Websites made with site builders do not rank well in search engine results pages. Wix started a reputation campaign to correct this SEO misconception.
The path to a successful SEO is a rocky one already. Don’t stand in your own way on top of that!
Email marketing is one of the most important disciplines in e-commerce. Online shops, that don’t use the email medium outside of order and shipping confirmation throw away a huge ...
Although messenger services are a thing: Newsletters are still in fashion. The share of recipients that receive emails on mobile devices is increasing. Thus, using extraordinary ...
The era of voice assistants has come. It’s time to take this technology seriously and to optimize your content for voice search.
The free Ad Jelly Size Guide knows all the social media advertising formats, and supplies you with PSD and Sketch templates for your marketing.
What determines a good web shop? Of course, high sales figures. What determines a really successful web store? High resale numbers from frequently returning buyers. However, this ...
Websites are becoming longer and longer: the average site in Google’s top 10 of 2016 was about 3 A4 pages long. How can we navigate through these long pages?
SEO only seems like a minefield from the outside. It’s also a lot less dynamic than it is often suggested. Basically, it’s wheels are only set into motion when Google makes ...
When talking to a so-called SEO expert, you’ll get lost in the conversation pretty quickly. He will throw tons of technical terms around, all of which can not be interpreted ...
Small agencies are jacks of all trades, but masters of none. Usually, there is no specialization, because it’s just not worth it. Are these statements even true, and if they are, ...
As all of us should know by now, searching on the web is not anonymous. Especially the top dogs of the search branch store lots of data regarding your search requests and even beyond ...